@if (session('success'))
{{ session('success') }}
@endif @if (session('error'))

Ask AI for Ideas

Start with a topic, phrase, or keyword and Composer will brainstorm new topics to add.
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Favorite Topics

Choose from one of the topics below and start generating relevant headline ideas.
@if(isset($keywords['data']) && count($keywords['data']) > 0) @php $keywordsCount = count($keywords['data']); $numberOfLists = ceil($keywordsCount / 10); // Calculate the number of
    lists needed $keywordsIndex = 0; // Initialize keyword index @endphp @for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfLists; $i++) @endfor @else

    No record found!

@if(!empty($keywords['to'])) @foreach ($keywords['links'] as $link) @endforeach @endif