@section('page_title') {{ "Composer - Summarize Contents" }} @endsection @include('header') @php $topicClusterCacheKey = Cache::get('topic-cluster-job-running-' . auth()->user()->companies[0]->client_id, false); @endphp @include('left-split-view') @csrf Enter URL To summarize a website page enter a URL and click "Summarize Content". @error('url') {{ $message }} @enderror All Pages Upload PDF (Max: 2MB) To summarize a content from PDF upload file and click "Summarize Content". @error('pdf') {{ $message }} @enderror Please enter a valid URL Update Topic Clusters Train Composer @isset($records) Scraping in Progress: 0 of 10 URLs scraped 0% Data Sources We will use this data to personalize your articles so they incorporate details about your company, products and services, and target audience into your content @include('summary.scrapped-record-list') @endisset @can('view-company-profile') @cannot('hide-company-profile') @include('account.about') @endcannot @endcan