@php $isSubscribedForFullyManaged = session()->has('isSubscribedForFullyManaged') && session('isSubscribedForFullyManaged') == 1; @endphp
@php $backUrl = (auth()->user()->can('single-pricing-page')) ? '/composer/single-pricing' : '/composer/pricing'; if($dailyAiplanId !== null) { $backUrl = '#'; } @endphp
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Composer {{auth()->user()->can('single-pricing-page') ? '' : $pricingAndPlan->plan_label}} {{$isSubscribedForFullyManaged ? '+ Fully Managed' : ''}} - {{$pricingAndPlan->metadata->article_unit}} Articles
@php $isSetUp = !empty($setupFee); $setupAmount = 0; @endphp @if(($isSetUp && $isSubscribedForFullyManaged) || ($isSetUp && $hasDirectSalesUser)) @php $setupAmount = ($setupFee[0]->unit_amount / 100); @endphp
Total due today
${{$isSetUp ? $pricingAndPlan->unit_amount/100 + $setupAmount : $pricingAndPlan->unit_amount/100 }}
{{-- --}}
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