
Article Inputs

The following information will be used when creating your outline and final draft.
Company Details
@if ($userDetails->companies[0]->solution_offering) {!! Str::limit(strip_tags(Str::markdown(trim($userDetails->companies[0]->solution_offering))), 100, '...') !!} @else No company details. @endif
Article Type

Writer Persona

Before we dive into writing, select an editor persona. This will shape the voice and tone of your article, making it uniquely yours.
@if(isset($personas)) @foreach($personas as $persona) @php $idName = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $persona['name'])); @endphp
@if($persona['name'] === 'The SEO Specialist')
Start here if you're not sure
@endforeach @endif
{{ csrf_field() }}