
Custom Topics

Use the form below to add a list of comma-delimited topics to the client account.

Topic and Keyword Ideas

Below are keywords pulled for the URL provided. Choose from the keywords below to start the article generation process. Don't see what you're looking for? You can add keywords manually on the form on the left.
We weren't able to pull keyword metrics based on the URL provided. Add a Custom Keyword to start your first article.
topic or keyword
monthly volume
ranking potential
@isset($keywords['data']) @foreach ($keywords['data'] as $keyword)
{{ strtolower($keyword['keyword']) }}
{{ $keyword['position'] ?: '--' }}
{{ number_format($keyword['search_volume'], 0, '', ',') ?: '--' }}/mo
@endforeach @endisset
@if(isset($keywords['to'])) @foreach ($keywords['links'] as $link) {{html_entity_decode($link['label'])}} @endforeach @endif