@section('page_title') {{ "Composer - Dashboard" }} @endsection @php // Set no-cache headers header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); @endphp @include('header')
@php $isPricingPermission = auth()->user()->can('3-up-pricing-page') || auth()->user()->can('single-pricing-page'); @endphp @if(auth()->user()->roles[0]->id == 3 && $isPricingPermission && !hasActiveSubscription(Auth::user()->stripe_id))
Click here to upgrade to one of our paid plans.
@endif {{-- Check that if article limit has reached or not --}} @if(checkIfArticleLimitReached()) @if(auth()->user()->can('3-up-pricing-page') && auth()->user()->stripe_id !== null && !empty($targetKeywords['data'] && is_array($targetKeywords['data']) && count($targetKeywords['data']) == 1))
Looks like you've enjoyed your free article! Ready for more? Click here to upgrade your account and keep reading.
{{-- Single Pricing flow for Direct Sales users --}} @elseif(auth()->user()->can('single-pricing-page') && auth()->user()->stripe_plan_id !== null && !empty($targetKeywords['data']) && is_array($targetKeywords['data']) && count($targetKeywords['data']) == 1) {{-- If user is logged in and plan id is not assigned --}}
Looks like you've enjoyed your free article! Ready for more? Click here to upgrade your account and keep reading.
You have reached your limit for articles this month. Click here if you would like to make changes to your plan.
You have reached your limit for articles this month. Click here if you would like to make changes to your plan.
@endif @endif
{{ auth()->user()->roles[0]->id === 3 ? 'My' : 'All'}} Articles
Click on an article component to make a revision to a specific input, then continue through the flow to regenerate your article.
@if(auth()->user()->roles[0]->id === 3)
@php $articlesCount = checkIfArticleLimitReached('isArticleCount'); @endphp You have used {{$articlesCount['usedArticles']}} of {{$articlesCount['totalArticles']}} articles.
@if(!isset($targetKeywords['data']) || empty($targetKeywords['data']))
Oh no! It looks like you haven't written any articles yet.
@php // Remove the last element from the array array_pop($tableColumns); // array_shift($tableColumns); @endphp @if(isset($targetKeywords) && !empty($targetKeywords)) @if(isset($targetKeywords['data']) && !empty($targetKeywords['data'])) @foreach($tableColumns as $key => $column)
@foreach($targetKeywords['data'] as $keyword) @php $approvedContent = getApprovedArticleComponentsByArticleSessionID($keyword->session_id); @endphp @if(auth()->user()->roles[0]->id !== 3)
@php // Convert the string to a Carbon instance $carbonDate = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($keyword->dt); // Format the date as mm/dd/yyyy $formattedDate = $carbonDate->format('n/j/y'); @endphp
@if(isset($approvedContent['headline']) && !empty($approvedContent['headline']))
@if(isset($approvedContent['narrative']) && !empty($approvedContent['narrative'])) @else @endif
@if(isset($approvedContent['outline']) && !empty($approvedContent['outline'])) @else @endif
@if(isset($approvedContent['article_text']) && !empty($approvedContent['article_text'])) @else @endif
@if (auth()->user()->roles[0]->id == 3)
@endif @can('delete-articles-from-dashboard')
@endcan @endforeach @endif @endif
@foreach ($targetKeywords['links'] as $link) {{html_entity_decode($link['label'])}} @endforeach
@if(session('isEmailActivated')) @php session()->forget('isEmailActivated'); @endphp @endif @php $planName = session('plan_name'); @endphp @if($planName) @php session()->forget('plan_name'); @endphp @endif @include('footer')