@section('page_title') {{ "Composer - Delete Customers" }} @endsection @include('header') @include('left-split-view') Customers List You can delete customers by selecting them from the list. You can filter the list by start and end date to find the customers more easily. Start Date: @error('start_date') {{ $message }} @enderror End Date: @error('end_date') {{ $message }} @enderror Search: @error('search') {{ $message }} @enderror Apply Filters @if(!empty($startDate) || !empty($endDate) || !empty($search)) Clear @endif @csrf @php array_pop($tableColumns); @endphp @if(!empty($customers['data'])) @foreach($tableColumns as $key => $column) {{ $column }} @endforeach @foreach($customers['data'] as $customer) {{ $customer->last_dt ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($customer->last_dt)->format('d/m/y') : 'NA' }} {{ $customer->created_at ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($customer->created_at)->format('d/m/y') : 'NA' }} {{ $customer->email }} {{ $customer->company_name }} {{ $customer->headline_count }} {{ $customer->narrative_count }} {{ $customer->outline_count }} {{ $customer->article_count }} Delete @endforeach @endif @if(empty($customers['data'])) No record found! @endif @if(!empty($customers['data'])) Delete Selected Customers @endif @if(!empty($customers['to'])) @foreach ($customers['links'] as $link) {{ html_entity_decode($link['label']) }} @endforeach @endif @include('footer')