@section('page_title') {{ "Composer - Pricing" }} @endsection @include('header')
@if (session('success'))
{{ session('success') }}
@endif @if (session('error'))
{{ session('error') }}

Let's Get Started

Ready to scale up your operation? We've designed this plan to be valuable and affordable. Get access to Composer's expert writing staff for a hands-off solution where we handle everything from your businesses content strategy to the execution and delivery.
Draft SEO-Optimized blog articles that your users want to read in under 2 minutes.
Customized Writer Personas
Choose a writer persona to align with your blog's voice and tone, ensuring content that truly resonates with your audience.
Versatile Article Creation
Effortlessly create diverse articles, including blogs, product reviews, and personal essays, all tailored to your specifications.
Tools to brainstorm captivating headlines that grab your audience's attention and significantly increase reader engagement.
{{$pricingAndPlans->metadata->article_unit}} Articles /month
    @foreach(json_decode($pricingAndPlans->metadata->plan_description) as $description)
  • {{$description}}
  • @endforeach
${{$pricingAndPlans->unit_amount / 100}}
/month + ${{isset($pricingAndPlans->metadata->setup_fee) ? ($pricingAndPlans->metadata->setup_fee) : 0}} setup